Porir dalan

Historical Porir Dalan is located in Hemnagar village of Gopalpur upazila of Tangail district. Also known as Hemnagar Zamindar House, Pari Dalan has a total land area of ​​around 60 acres. While there are no fairy abodes or fairy-built buildings to be found here, the beautifully crafted structures created by the artisans of Delhi and Calcutta fascinate the visiting visitors. The walls, pillars and doors of Pari Dalan are particularly notable for the sculptures of two fairies adorned with colored glass flowers, vines, stars, trees, precious links and stones. The building is called Angel House or Parir Dalan because of the two royal fairy sculptures built on top of the palace.
The Hemnagar Rajbari complex, surrounded by boundary walls, has three separate buildings, 25 different types of rooms, a paved pond ghat, a playground and several side wells. And near the building there are 7 beautiful buildings, which are owned by the landlord. Known as the home of Hemchandra Chowdhury’s three sisters and relatives. Apart from this, there are several ancient structures within 3 km from Pari Dalan. At present Pari Dalan is being used as Hemnagar Degree College and a huge bazaar has developed near the Rajbari.

Zamindar Hemchandra Chowdhury’s father Kalibabu Chowdhury bought the zamindari of Shimulia Pargana under the Sunset Act. In 1880, Hemchandra Chowdhury abandoned Ambaria Rajbari of Madhupur Upazila and built a second Rajbari in Subarnakhali village of Gopalpur Upazila. The name of the area was changed to Hemnagar after Hemchandra Chowdhury. Later in 1890 when Subarnakhali village fell under the influence of Yamuna river, Hemchandra Chowdhury built this Pari Dalan in Shimla Para village three kilometers away from Subarnakhali.

How to go

Bandura can be directly reached by bus from Gulisthan in Dhaka. Or come to Doha through Babubazar BridThe distance of Tangail from Dhaka is about 83 km. Tangail can be reached by bus or train. It takes about 3 hours to go to Tangail by road. AC/Non-AC buses will cost Tk 400 to Tk 1000.
Besides, Tangail can be reached by Dhumketu, Ekta, Silk City, Sirajganj, Chitra, Hritzan, Lalmoni and Padma Express trains from Kamalapur or Airport Railway Station. The train fare will be Tk 95 to Tk 397 per person depending on the class. The distance from Tangail to Hemnagar Rajbari is about 47 km and the distance from Gopalpur to Rajbari is about 9 km.
From Tangail by bus or convenient transport, you can go to Gopalpur by CNG or auto rickshaw to reach Hemnagar Rajbari or Pari Dalan near Hemnagar Railway Station.ge of Dhaka or Shaheed Buddhijibi Bridge (3rd Buriganga Bridge) and reach Kalakopa in Nawabganj and take the road from Kalakopa towards Bandura and you will reach Khelaram Data’s house.

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